REDMOND Consulting s.r.o.

„We ForMicated your world."

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We offer complex services which cover analysis, implementation and development including special branch solutions based on own information system - ForMic

Our mission is bring success to our customers. We have knowledge about theirs business and help them to find the best solution for their needs. We are not using only technologies themselves but we are looking for inovations and long term profitable solutions. Cooperation must be built on mutual trust.

We are a company of professional stuff by knowledge as well as stance to our customers. We have a team cosists of certified specialists and consultants with unique knowledne of branch business. We invest to study and improvement of our colleagues for technology, personal skills and others. We are not specialists for one solution way or technology, we are specialists for our customer needs solution.

System ForMic

  • highly customizable environment
  • thin client include mobile devices
  • from easiest to hihgly complex solutions

Platform SharePoint

  • development of own solutions and webparts
  • implementations a customizations
  • certified stuff
